Carrie's Home Page

Carrie at the Prom in her white dress, newly elected prom queen.


Carrietta N. White is a 16 year old girl attending Bates High. After being abused by her classmates and mother for her whole life, Carrie uses her power of telekinesis to get revenge on her classmates who tormented her.
Carrie in the library holding books to cover her face.
Carrie's mother, Margaret, is an extremely religious and cruel woman who locks Carrie in a punishment closet for what she believes is sinning. Carrie used her telekinetic powers when she was very young, but forgot about these powers over the years...until she caused a light bulb to shatter in the shower room. Margaret believes these powers are the "devil" working through her.
Carrie lights a candle in a prayer closet next to a statue of Jesus on a crucifix.
The breaking point for Carrie and the climax of the story comes when Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan drop pig blood on her while she's onstage after winning Prom Queen. After everyone starts laughing at her, Carrie responds by using her telekinesis to seal the exit doors shut and turn on the sprinklers. This causes the band equipment to electrocute people, and eventually catch on fire. The school explodes, killing most people inside.
The school gym on fire with students panicking.

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